Devil Town

Current Events

Devil Town Season 1 Episode 22

These episodes are the closest to news Devil Town will ever get. In part one, we highlight three local (to us) stories relevant to topics we've discussed on the podcast: the suspension of the UCO Cheer team, the racism from fans and ensuing fight at the John Marshall vs. Newcastle boys' basketball game, and the racist commentator for the Norman vs. Midwest City girls' basketball game. All three stories have details you might not have heard about if you only read the headlines. And the conversation does occasionally circle back to Friday Night Lights.

John Marshall vs. Newcastle - The Root, The Oklahoman
Racist language from the commentator of Norman vs. Midwest City - Frankie Park's video on twitter, The Black Wall St. Times, statement from OSSAA
UCO Cheer - UCO's copy of the incident report, UCO Media article on the aftermath, UCO Media's video coverage on twitter